MADD releases comic book with a powerful message

1 min read

MADD, or Mothers Against Drunk Driving, is in the comic book business.

It’s debuting its first four-page comic book at Toronto Comicon this weekend.

(Photo courtesy of MADD Canada)

“Sergeant Alex Lee “Goose” — Impaired Driving: Never An Option” is the brainchild of amateur writer and police sergeant Clayton Brown and artist Loc Nguyen.

The two wanted an out-of-the-box way to tell young people that impaired driving or riding with an impaired driver is dangerous.

The duo came up with the character of Sergeant Alex Lee, also known as “Goose”, the supervisor of a special response team who has advanced technology, giving her the ability to fly. The story follows her as she tracks an impaired driver.

“We want young people to know that there are always safe ride options if they have been drinking or using drugs,” said Brown.

Brown and Nguyen considered MADD a natural fit for the publication, and in turn, MADD posted the comic on its website and social media channels.

“It’s a wonderful and different presentation of the sober driving message,” said MADD Canada Chief Operating Officer Dawn Regan.

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