South Bruce residents digest dense $418 million hosting agreement

The $418 million hosting agreement signed Wednesday by the Nuclear Waste Management Organization and the Municipality of South Bruce is a dense and complex 50-plus page document. Perhaps fittingly dense for a first-of-its-kind project in Canada with a 100-plus year lifespan that will transform whichever municipality is chosen to host Canada’s high-level nuclear waste deep […]

South Bruce signs $418 million hosting agreement with NWMO

Should South Bruce become the future home of Canada’s spent nuclear waste it will receive $418 million over the project’s lifespan. At a special meeting Wednesday evening, South Bruce council authorized the signing of a hosting agreement between the municipality and Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) detailing the benefits to and responsibilities of the municipality […]

The murky process of reopening Palisades and why it’s a turning point for nuclear

The murky process of reopening Palisades and why it’s a turning point for nuclear

There are a lot of eyes on Michigan’s Palisades nuclear power plant as the public and private sectors try, together, to bring it back from the dead.

Plenty of nuclear reactors in the United States have successfully started back up after prolonged stretches of inactivity. The difference is that every other nuclear plant that restarted after an extended outage retained its operating license, meaning that it had to comply with strict federal maintenance standards, even at the times when it wasn’t sending electricity out onto the grid.

Read Now at Great Lakes Now.

South Bruce to hold DGR referendum in October

In October South Bruce residents will vote in a referendum to decide whether or not the community is willing to host Canada’s growing nuclear waste stockpile. From Oct. 21 to Oct. 28, eligible voters in South Bruce will answer the question: “Are you in favour of the Municipality of South Bruce declaring South Bruce to […]

South Bruce sets date, question for DGR vote

The question is officially ready to be asked: Are you in favour of the Municipality of South Bruce declaring South Bruce to be a willing host for the Nuclear Waste Management Organization’s proposed deep geological repository (DGR)? From Oct. 21 to Oct. 28 at 8 p.m., this is the question that is being put to […]

Bruce B reactors offline for planned check on vacuum safety system

Bruce Power has taken all four Bruce B reactors offline to perform scheduled work on the vacuum building CANDU safety system — a roughly once-a-decade requirement.  The outage began Tuesday, the start of a 20-day maintenance and inspection project, the nuclear operator said in a news release Wednesday.  The vacuum building is part of the containment […]

LETTER: NWMO doesn’t support agriculture

Would decisions be different if they were the ones expected to make sacrifices? Back in January 2021, the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) was claiming they had deep roots in agriculture because one of their summer students had grown up on a farm. Their most recent campaign proclaims they support agriculture because an employee was […]

Nuclear forum planned ahead of South Bruce DGR vote

South Bruce is once again hosting a nuclear exploration forum to educate the community on safety surrounding the deep geological repository (DGR) that is proposed for Teeswater. The South Bruce Nuclear Exploration Forum is a free, in-person event featuring panel presentations and an exhibition area where residents can talk to subject matter experts about topics […]

Hospital foundation gives more than $900,000 to improve care

More than $900,000 in donations to the Caring for Tomorrow Endowment Fund were distributed recently to improve health care at Owen Sound hospital, Brightshores Health System Owen Sound Foundation announced.  The endowment contributed $919,640, which helps pay for an ultrasound unit for Interventional Radiology, a radioactive material storage cabinet for Nuclear Medicine, a cautery machine […]

Feds award $1.5 billion for Palisades nuclear plant restart

Feds award $1.5 billion for Palisades nuclear plant restart

By Kelly House, Bridge Michigan

The Great Lakes News Collaborative includes Bridge Michigan; Circle of Blue; Great Lakes Now at Detroit Public Television; Michigan Public, Michigan’s NPR News Leader; and The Narwhal who work together to bring audiences news and information about the impact of climate change, pollution, and aging infrastructure on the Great Lakes and drinking water.

Read Now at Great Lakes Now.

Lots of future opportunities touted at nuclear job fair

Mohamed Hamed left resumes with employers at the nuclear industry job fair in Owen Sound Wednesday, many of which he’d already applied to online. But he made the trip from Mississauga to add a personal touch to his job search efforts in what he finds to be a slow job market. He said he moved […]