Inspiring Our Future Campaign receives $100,000 from Brussels Trust Fund

1 min read

The Inspiring Our Future Campaign received a sizeable donation towards their goal of repairing and upgrading the Brussels Morris Grey Community Centre.

The Brussels Community Development Trust, also known as the Brussels Trust Fund, has donated $100,000 towards the cause according to a release from Inspiring Our Futures.

The Brussels Trust was developed after the sale of the former Brussels PUC. The intent of the trust is to “spend the annual interest in support of community betterment around the Brussels area.”

The trust is governed by a board of directors which currently consists of community representatives Tim Prior, Board Chair Joe Seili, Paul Nichol, Mike Thomas, & Paul Mutter. The Municipality of Huron East also has representation on the board in Brussels Ward councillors Justin Morrison and Zoellyn Onn.

The fundraising for the BMG Community Centre will “bring the facility up to modern standards, provide something for people of all ages and interests, and revitalize the facility to be a hub for recreation the community can take pride in.”

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